Sunday, October 9, 2011

I love my wife

Some media people from the army were here to film holiday greetings from the soldiers. They plan to air them on hometown TV stations. I wanted to give a holiday greeting to my wife, Emily. So they put a microphone on me and put me in front of the camera. This should be no problem, I thought; I don't mind speaking in public. It went smoothly, until I got to the part where I was to wish my wife a happy holiday. It took me three tries to get through it, because I started to cry each time. I did get through it, and I know I love my wife! (Not that I doubted that I did, but I didn't realize how close to the surface it was and is.) I love you, Emily!


  1. I love you, too! I'm preparing a lesson for the YW about dating choices and marriage. I feel so grateful that the Lord brought you to me, even if you are a little gray!
